601 YTH

Kid Church Services

Sunday Morning - 10:45am (Check-in begins at 10:30 am)

welcome to 601YTH!

601 YTH is the student ministry of Lucedale Church of God for ages 12 - 18. Why, 601 Youth? Lucedale is located in southeast Mississippi and the area code is 601 and our theme scripture is Isaiah 60:1 "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you."  We are a very active ministry committed to be a light for Christ in a dark world. We are a family of students whose desire is to lead other teens out of spiritual darkness and into a new, radiant life in Christ. 

We would love for you to visit us and become part of the 601 YTH family!We encourage you to like out social media accounts so that you can stay up to date on all our events! Facebook - 601 Youth-LCOG Instagram - 601 Youth
Wednesday Service Times: 5:30pm - Youth Building opens // 7:00 pm -Worship

a message from our student pastors


We're Dakota and Rebecca White, the Youth Pastors here at LCOG. Youth Ministry has been a lifelong passion for the both of us. Called to youth ministry during our teenage years, we've pursued God's plan and have been in full time ministry for 4 years.Our Desire - to see your student radically transformed by the love and grace of God - to see them engaging their generation with the good news of Jesus Christ - to see them become the young man/woman that God desires them to beWe would love to meet and get to know you and your student! Our hope is that you would come visit us during one of our Wednesday night services, join one of our scheduled events, or join us for one of our monthly youth services in the sanctuary. Parents and students, we know that visiting a new group of any kind can be hard and scary but we promise you that we are committed to making sure your student feels loved, connected, and apart of our 601 Youth family the moment they arrive.If you wish to contact us directly, message us at (601) 341-5447 or use the contact form at the bottom of this page. Know that you are loved and being prayed for even now.

God Bless!

Pastors Dakota, Rebecca, and Foster Lane
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Contact us

We would love to hear from you! For more information about 601 Youth, our services or events message (601) 341-5447 or use this contact form. We are looking forward to getting to know you and your student!


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