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Kid Church Services

Sunday Morning - 10:45am (Check-in begins at 10:30 am)

New to Lucedale Church of God? Great! Start Here...

We are delighted that you decided to visit our website and learn about what God is doing at Lucedale Church of God. We have a variety of programs for children, youth, men, women, and senior adults. Grab a cup of coffee and your comfy chair as you explore our site and find out more about us. Here at Lucedale Church of God we have a place for you! If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

601kids A place for children

We desire to see your children become life-long followers of Jesus Christ and let their light shine for Him. We aim to do this by instilling the importance of growing in our love for Christ and knowledge of His Word, caring for each other, and sharing our faith with others.
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601tweens a place for tweens

Our goal is to lead students in receiving spiritual and scriptural discipleship. Students from grades 3rd - 5th meet every Wednesday night @ 7:00pm at our Tween Bldg. Together these students have a meal, play games and have a lesson. This group of students also participates in many outreach activities, while discovering who they've been made to be in Christ.
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601yth A place for students

601 Youth is an very active ministry committed to be a light for Christ in a dark world. We are a family of students whose desire is to lead other teens out of spiritual darkness and into a new, radiant life in Christ. We would love for you to become a part of the 601 Youth family! These students grades 6th - 12th meet every Wednesday night @ 5:30 in the Youth Bldg.
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a place for men

We are committed to helping men fulfill their God-given role as leaders in their homes and communities. Our goal is for men to step up and live with purity and holiness as they reach the world for God.
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a place for women

We are a community of ladies gathering in fellowship, growing in love for Christ and each other, and seeking to reach the lost through our love for our Savior. We participate in many activities and meet every Wednesday night in the CRUROOM for Bible Study
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601 Spring Chickens A place for seniors

A community of senior adults who love to fellowship with one another and grow in our knowledge of the Word. We travel on our church bus once a month to enjoy a meal together, and we meet every Sunday morning during Life groups for time in the Word
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a place for you!

It's our desire that you would connect with one of our ministries. No matter what age, we have a place for you!
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